LG has officially launched its Optimus L9 in India for Rs. 23,000. Last week, we had reported that this smartphone was up for pre-orders for Rs. 19,990.
LG Optimus L9 comes with 1GHz dual-core processor and 4.7-inch IPS display. It has a qHD (960x540 pixels) display and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). The smartphone also comes with 1GB RAM, 5-megapixel rear camera and high-density 2150 mAH SiO+ battery.
While Optimus L9 does come with premium design elements that were taken from Prada Phone for LG, the main focus seems to be on the software part. LG has bundled QTranslator, MY Style Keypad and QMemo apps on the smartphone.
According to Mr. Soon Kwon, President South West Asia Region & MD, LG India, "Smartphones today have become an essential part of life. People see it as an extension of themselves. Smartphones have come a long way from where they had started and today's smartphones are a far cry from their bulky ancestors. LG Optimus L9 has been designed in a way that it can cater to every need of smart consumers who demands a powerhouse of style, performance and efficiency in their smartphones."
"With LG Optimus L9, users can take advantage of premium smartphone features - a stunning display, a powerful processor and a long-lasting battery - in a sleek design. LG Optimus L9 is equipped with the an updated software, state-of-the-art hardware, and several new exciting features, helping it elevate user experience to a whole new level", added Mr. Soon Kwon.
Apart from LG Optimus L9, the Optimus L-Series of smartphones includes the Optimus L7, L5, and L3.
Key specs for LG Optimus L9
While Optimus L9 does come with premium design elements that were taken from Prada Phone for LG, the main focus seems to be on the software part. LG has bundled QTranslator, MY Style Keypad and QMemo apps on the smartphone.
According to Mr. Soon Kwon, President South West Asia Region & MD, LG India, "Smartphones today have become an essential part of life. People see it as an extension of themselves. Smartphones have come a long way from where they had started and today's smartphones are a far cry from their bulky ancestors. LG Optimus L9 has been designed in a way that it can cater to every need of smart consumers who demands a powerhouse of style, performance and efficiency in their smartphones."
"With LG Optimus L9, users can take advantage of premium smartphone features - a stunning display, a powerful processor and a long-lasting battery - in a sleek design. LG Optimus L9 is equipped with the an updated software, state-of-the-art hardware, and several new exciting features, helping it elevate user experience to a whole new level", added Mr. Soon Kwon.
Apart from LG Optimus L9, the Optimus L-Series of smartphones includes the Optimus L7, L5, and L3.
Key specs for LG Optimus L9
- Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
- 1GHz Dual-Core
- 4.7-inch IPS Display
- 1GB DDR2 (RAM) / 4GB e-MMC
- 5MP rear / VGA front
- 2150mAh SiO+ batttery
- 131.9 x 68.2 x 9.1mm / 125g
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